Dreams, Divination & Synchronicity:
Pathways to Healing
linda carter, lionel corbett, marian dunlea,
aryeh maidenbaum, janis maxwell, and diana rubin
April 12-19, 2024
County Galway, Ireland
Throughout the ages, humanity has often turned to dreams, oracles, and omens to connect the limits of consciousness to divine omnipotence as a way to chart the course of our lives. The search continues to this day. Many of us seek out psychotherapists to help us decipher our dreams; we turn to astrologers to find out what the cosmos has in store for us, and we invest the I Ching, rune stones, angel cards, the Tarot, and even fortune cookies with mysterious powers that can somehow foresee our destiny in the messages they deliver.
Dreams have long been revered as a source of wisdom. The world’s sacred texts reveal messengers appearing in dreams to guide us, warn us, inspire us, comfort us, and even — as in the case with an angel and Jacob in the book of Genesis — wrestle with us. For Jung, dreams come from the Unconscious, the part of our psyche which transcends the ego — a message from the Self within that guides and communicates with us and offers a golden opportunity for insight.
On other levels, Jung himself explored not only dreams, but also astrology, the I Ching, and Alchemy — all methods of exploration of the Unconscious. He believed that seemingly random events were often points of contact between our conscious and unconscious. He believed that the Unconscious creates a physical manifestation of external reality which in turn creates what he terms Synchronicity, a meaningful coincidence.
Like Jung, many of us also witness and are even a part of these occurrences that seem to happen beyond all probability and we cannot deny their reality. Moreover, they can even provide a sudden breakthrough for our most entrenched dilemmas and personal issues that cannot be solved within the limits of reality or reason. Others, however, believe that nothing occurs outside the realm of chance, scientific causality, or statistical probability. Synchronicity and signs, they feel, are the language of fools, all gibberish and utter nonsense or, worse, some sort of black magic. Are they right?
Each of us is called upon to consider these questions: is the universe just a collection of arbitrary elements and random events, or is there some sort of ultimate meaning in it for our lives, and if so, how do we find it? It may be happening all around us, but what are the methods of discernment we can tap into to find this meaning without being fooled?
Through presentations and experiential workshops, during the course of this seminar we will explore the importance of these non-rational mediums as a source of divination, inner guidance, and wellspring of creativity.
January 10-September 11, 2024
9 Class Course
Moby Dick is Herman Melville’s epic white whale tale that relates the story of Ishmael, an isolato. He discovers on board the Pequod his own identity and his membership in the world community. But the whales themselves are also the prime movers in this saga, which evokes in us readers the fragile nature of our earthly world and the need not to exhaust it but to nurture it. And, at the heart of the story is one white whale that weaves and binds the story into a cohesive whole.
Herman Melville’s epic fiction reveals to all of us what a mythless life can look and feel like. How it can leave one feeling hollow, empty, and yes, even suicidal.
Pursuing the contours of one’s personal myth is a task that all of us should undertake to enjoy a life of meaning and purpose.
Each of us needs a myth to live by. It includes both personal and collective values, assumptions, opinions and beliefs. Myths are organizing principles that offer our lives coherence, purpose and meaning. Without a living, organic myth, which is always subject to editing and renewal, our lives would contain little or no meaning.
In this psychological book club, Dennis Patrick Slattery explores the human spirit in search of meaning. In addition he will help us recognize the contours and particulars of our own myth and the meaning it affords our life.
Required reading
Dennis Patrick Slattery, Our Daily Breach: Exploring Your Personal Myth Through Herman Melville’s Moby-Dick (Fisher King Press, 2015).
Reading the entire epic is not required. Although if you would like to, the Norton Third Edition of Moby-Dick is a good one to choose.
The epic novel Moby Dick will be the topic of exploration in this 9 month journey with author and magnificent teacher of mythology Dennis Patrick Slattery.
Slattery will lead this ‘psychological book club’: a series of 9 live webinar classes. Herman Melville’s Moby Dick is more than just a story about a white whale. It is an adventure, a philosophical and mythical quest. In this bookclub we are invited to explore the human spirit in search of meaning as well as our own personal myths.
Each class (1.5 hrs) will be followed by a break-out group of 30 minutes in which participants get the opportunity to connect and reflect together. As usual the live class will be recorded and will be added to your Jung Platform account for later (re)viewing.
Moby Dick
Dennis Patrick Slattery
Early Bird Sale! $225 $199 Thru 1/8/24